Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2022 Advocacy for Asthma and Allergies: a Year in Review

As 2022 comes to an end, we wanted to reflect on another year of great advocacy efforts for people living with asthma and allergies. We had another successful virtual fly-in to Capitol Hill read more

Can Pills Make My Allergies Go Away Forever?

Allergies are a common issue that approximately 50 million Americans deal with yearly. They're widespread in children, but some are fortunate enough to grow out of them. However, others develop chronic allergies that pose issues for years to come.

Most people learn to manage symptoms through the seasonal cycles of antihistamines and over-the-counter medications. But what if you could get rid of them forever? With tablets for allergy immunotherapy, there's hope for allergy sufferers.

What is Immunotherapy

There's no current cure for allergies, but immunotherapy shows much promise for the future. Simply put, immunotherapy is a disease-modifying treatment. It's a way to alter your immune response and get your body used to triggers that typically cause reactions.

When you experience allergy symptoms, it's your body's way of trying to protect you. It sees those allergies as foreign invaders, releasing histamines to keep you safe from what your system thinks are diseases. Of course, they're not, and the uncomfortable symptoms you experience are nothing more than a nuisance.

Immunotherapy works to train your immune system. Doctors often recommend this form of treatment when other medications aren't working, and you're unable to avoid allergens in your everyday life.

When you take tablets for allergy immunotherapy, you're introducing small doses of the offending allergen into your system. The goal is to expose your immune system slowly, giving it time to identify and ignore the traditional triggers. Over the course of several months or years, you may notice that reactions are less intense and less frequent. In some individuals, it eliminates reactions entirely!

There's a lot of research left to do on immunotherapy, but its potential to make allergies go away forever has many pursuing it.

Taking Control of Your Allergies

Immunotherapy is just one way to combat allergic reactions. You can also take allergy shots or change your lifestyle to avoid triggers. However, immunotherapy is the closest thing we currently have to a cure. The right therapy plan can improve your immune response, making those awful reactions a thing of the past!

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A Complete Guide for Visiting an Allergy Specialist

An allergist is a specialized healthcare provider that works exclusively with allergies and immune disorders. You may be referred to an alle...